Do you ever just gawk at the numerous pictures of glass! Crafted, cured, and tried, these pictures basically speak for the product. The lighting, the notoriety of the subject being photographed, the cover of the flyer could all potentially make or break a companies ability to capture new opportunities.
Let's look through the lenses of those who bring the cannabis culture to life. Those macro shots that so many ooze and gawk over. Meet Wind!

(Dope Magazine Picture 2015)
Wind has been into both photography and cannabis from early on in life. Wind has the ability to put the viewer in the moment, color hues, shadings, and the know how to capture realism with a touch of natural roughness- it just makes it all that much more spectacular.
Check It Out!!

All these above pics are taken by Wind. You have to admit, Wind does a wonderful job bringing each picture its own vibe and clarity! His work is summoned by many. Clients range from growers to the labs!! Click here to see more on that! Check out these SHATTER PIX . Lighting is on point and always manages to get that million dollar shot! Want pictures like tyou'll better digg deep in those pockets and get yourself a EOS 5D MARK IV . This is the camera Wind uses!
The culture of our greenhouse is ever so endlessly growing. We need and thank those who truly capture it glamour and elegance.
Thank you Wind for your conversation and perspective. He has been shooting shots of glass-art now for almost 11 years! I asked how he got into shooting glass and this was his response-
"My first glass shoot was for my buddy from high school @specialkglass it was way back when before I actually shot glass. Then my first real glass shoot was in 2010 or 11 for my other good friend @tridentglass he then told me hey bro you are needed in this industry. So I took on a few glass clients. Started with @robmorrison @marcelbraun @cowboyglasss @nikocray @delleneperalta and others but they were some of my first regulars. Then i shot DFO for the event in 2013. "
Experience is a good tool in life it will shape you, direct you, instruct you, and enable you. Experience comes with relationships, trial & error, sacrifice, and determination. That is what I've gathered in the chats with Wind. You meet an open and humorous & well rounded artist with a lens! A few friends bug you to take some pix of their glass art, and then perhaps you enjoy what goes into that art (HERB)!! Life is funny that way, if it's meant to be it just is!! Wind thank you for your insight and time, to the readers thanks for the support and know that I truly appreciate every reader and of course if you Rock The Merch know that the proceeds will keep this company marching head strong!! Till next time, toke up & think about what it took to get that shot you so desperately gawk over on IG!!