Anxious To Feel Normal

Anxious To Feel Normal



  How real is CBD? If your daily battle is chronic headaches, back pain, didn't know I had that muscle-pain, you'll get to researching, whilst complaining of the pains, and that is when you get struck with a CBD speech. These danm potheads, they'll try and slip that mary jane in for anything! Put down the musket powder, and pay attention. This article will have a great amount of hyperlinks. Please fill free to click them so you'll not just see where I got the information but perhaps you'll sum up these facts and get a different spin!!! Opinions on facts, the epidemy of adulthood!

       You want to feel again, not tolerate the pain while enjoying every moment while you have the energy. You just want the scar to heal and not worry about infection or a band aid falling off. The Reefer Madness and Drugs on War has been implemented in the society of the American Cartel so well, grandparents to office working grads are still nervous on what to do when it comes to CBD! Listing a crap ton of cannabinoids & the differences between each will only cause many to become overwhelmed, and then; there is the whole clear bottle verses darker bottle situation- let's take this one step by step! Keep that all in mind while remembering that it was widely patented as medicine in the 19th & 20th Century, It- being Cannabis. Cannabis, not CBD, or THCP or man made Delta 8....just saying it says Cannabis as a whole!

    What brought you here? CBD is the topic, so are you in pain, are your thoughts just ramped and keep you distracted from everyday activities? Your body is a temple, know what you are putting in your body. We as people generally trust it. By it, this time I mean the messages, TV ADDS, radio talk shows, they brag we buy, they say their chicken is clean and prepped with A+ grading, we see an A+, and we think "PASS". Even those that seriously could care less they just know their grill'n a hot dog- slam'n a beer and living baby- go ahead I'm fine either way but for the sake of the receipt, KNOW what your blowing your money on! The only way to know that is to actually know the product! DUUH! So are you having migraines and seizures? Better yet, how many people do you talk to in a month on a routine bases that have a seizure or chronic pain that contributes to unhealthy diets, and pour sleeping habits? Do you really know though? SUDEP effects 3,000 yearly in the United States. SUDEP Stands for Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy- while you read this keep in mind you may be the key to your circle's happiness. Tell your guests, & co-workers about CBD because you never know who just, didn't know! RANDOM BUT- I'll write more on Cannabidivarin later but Cannabidivarin or CBDV for short is an excellent partner with CBD. Just wanted to drop that CBDV marker for ya so you can start getting a broader spectrum on the full spectrum.

    I made a Social Club account and searched the app for users who grew and came across a video clip of a podcaster - it was on Social Club where I ran across a profile called "Gentleman Toker" a very insightful podcast with different guests, topics and easy to understand lingo for all ages 21+! I was listening and realized, I better not be wasting any money on CBD products that are on shelves in the light & in CLEAR packaging. Not even going to spend my time or money on such companies. The hard work went out the window with light degradation, I really just gave you the run around but I want you to dedicate one episode of his podcast to yourself! Meaning do what you must to get comfortable and take a listen, just click HERE

  In no way does Joe even know I just mentioned this! I seriously enjoy the podcast! Learning a lot- want to share it with the readers who take medicinal properties serious! THC Deta 9 ( the trippy) one of the bunch has gotten such a stigma it carry's the rep of Cannabis on it's back danm near all by itself.  We wanted to let those in our state of Kentucky have a better understanding so when you shop, you'll have some good notes to refer to when you start reading labels. smelling, & paying for medicine.

  Let us now break down the ways to use CBD, and what to expect. It comes down to, what is bothering you. Is it stomach pains, back pains, muscle issues, doesn't make sense to give your muscles a cbd boost when its not your muscles aggravating you! Keep in mind what you are using and what they are made of, habitual use of alcohol tincs can and have lead to blood ulcers in the mouth and stomach. This is also referred to as "tincture burns" Taking a substance sublingually will cause whatever you take to bypass  metabolizing through your digestive system. In other words, sublingual application will ensure a fast acted result because it mixes into your bloodstream rapidly

   If you buy CBD flower and plan to smoke it with a blunt wrap then you're delivering the medicine via vapors that carry from your lungs directly into your bloodstream. Effects again will be rapid. CBD ciggerete can counteract plagues brought on by nicotine cigs. It comes with it's own side effects, again, your bringing smoke into your body. Side effects of smoking a  hemp/cbd cigar would include 

  • interacting or interfering with other drugs (prescription medicines)
  • liver injury
  • changes in mood, such as agitation or irritability
  • damage to male fertilities
  • Click HERE For More

     If you choose to eat an incredible medical edible than you'll be delivering the medicine to a different highway in your body! WANT A CHART CLICK HERE

Don't go nuts but some have also proposed that CBD turns white fat into brown fat. This is due to some claims that cb1 receptors seem to exist more in fatty tissue and in aiding with a CBD diet, have proposed it was easier to lose the weight due to this chemical switch. We checked with the Nation Library of Medicine and found that CBD can in some cases repair the liver as well as reverse liver failure. Eating CBD will bring the medicine through the stomach and be broke down by the liver. SO, if you got stomach pains, it would be wiser to eat, not smoke. If you eat, the effects will take a bit longer to kick in. For a better visual CLICK HERE

   What products are out there that you can live by? There are so many options for one to choose and in stead of being overwhelmed by names and shiny boxes let's look at what the need is then, let's look at desire. So have you heard of Fully Extracted Cannabis Oil? It is referred to as FECO for short, it's is basically another close form of RSO! Not the most tasty but it is said to be the mother of all potency's! You can squirt this in a  vegetable gel cap, pop it like a pill or mix a bit in a salad. You could take a squirt to the tongue, remember however you take it determines how it will effect your body!

 Click the pic and it will direct you to this product site. Let me say now, I have never used this product but RSO and FECO are both something I'm highly interested in both for CBD and THC. Kentucky is strictly CBD so this is a product you could order and it would ship to your door here in the Bluegrass state. It was Joe from "The Gentleman Toker" who told me about Georgetown Hemp! Now if you are here in Kentucky i know you have seen there are plenty of CBD shops here so where is the good stuff? 502 Hemp is the store I found with the best online ratings, I will be getting ahold of them again, I emailed but have not received anything back yet, I'll do a blog on stores here in KY next, so we can start experimenting around the state and see who got them CBD recipes that really make a difference! JOY ORGANICS CBD 1000MG Salve is what i use weekly!

   Joe if you are still reading this I would love to be a special guest on your podcast if you know anyone that could give me some need to knows when it comes to lobbying and fighting for adult use in Kentucky!! Absolutely love your podcast which is why I have made sure anyone reading this can find your page! Stewart's passion is always thrilled to get more info out to the readers and hope this blog will help you make an informed decision how you choose to intake your CBD! THC would metabolize the same in ones body as CBD, just figured I'd mention that! Thank you all for your support be sure to leave comments on teh blogs here on the site and if you really want to show some support you can always ROCK THE MERCH!




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