Are You About to Get Arrested?

Are You About to Get Arrested?



Are you in a audibly toxic relationship? Does your partner air your secrets out in loud arguments publicly, which could lead to police interactions. Maybe your neighbor told too many people you grow weed. Now the cops are at your door. Are you about to get arrested?

  Doesn't the routine come as no shock? You see the cop, you remain calm, they approach, strike a conversation like , "How's it going, I'm officer so n so this is my fellow officer so n so we just want to make sure everybody's ok here alright."

  You're calm you listen then they say, "Hey buddy, can you step over here for me?" They explain they want to pat you down to ensure you have nothing that can poke, jab, pick, or stick the officer, this is for their safety. At this point one could feel un easy. I'd say once an officer has done more than given me a verbal command, once the situation graduates to a physical relationship between the officer and myself, I struggle to not feel completely helpless. I feel that perhaps now the reason the officer has appeared, and the reason I may go to jail can now switch in an instant. It just takes the officer to evaluate my reactions as threatening to just start slapping charges on. Once the heart starts racing, and the mind out races the heart, it's my trust in God, not necessarily the cop or the situation anymore. I trust God to guide the situation and power at works. Lord knows I'll comply to not die, but If I don't know I don't know. I recall a time I was helping these homeless boys. They claimed to be chilling behind the carwash. Later that week I intended to bring a chest full of sneakers I no longer wore and ramen noodles. I was maybe 18 or 19. The cops stopped me in my tracks. They didn't yell at me, or pull up to give a hand. One second I just seen a gun barrel and someone yelling don't move. At this point I dropped the chest and and the very same second I started running as I heard, "POLICE DONT RUN." but, I couldn't stop. Mentally, I was too committed to get out of whatever situation I just walked into. I kept waiting to hear a crack from gun fire. I was for sure I would either be shot or at least tazed. I darted between the clothing store and the movie theater. By the time I made it to the back of the plaza I had died about 5 times mentally. I didn't want to run , but I didn't want to get my bones cracked from being tackled. Why did these cops have guns? There was another guy with me. He apparently stayed behind. I was unaware till my chest hurt so bad and I was winded. I laid in the grass and prayed to God to let me live. I was very set on the realization cops where looking for me with guns drawn. I could hear cop sirens wale'n in the distance. I made a call to someone to ask them to meet me at Jr foods with a change of clothes that police where looking for me. They told me they could see cops everywhere and where heading to work so I was out of luck. I wore this long sleeve kelly green sweater so I stuck out in a crowd. I could see the cop talking to this woman at the furniture store, they where about 20 maybe 30 yards away from me. The grass around me was maybe 3 feet tall I was laid out on my belly just looking. At first all I could see was the woman point almost dead at me. So I figured, I must not be as hidden as I think so I got on my knees with my hands up but no one said a thing. In fact that cop that I swear was looking dead at me turned around towards the theater and walked away. So I stood up to let the cop know where I was but as the woman started screaming & pointing at me there was a shit ton of cops to my right I DID NOT SEE!! I immediately dropped back down to my knees and threw my hands up. All I could see was a line of cops approaching in unity with their weapons drawn. I'm yelling at the top of my lungs I'm unarmed. I have no weapons. They arrested me without further incident. Fleeing and avoiding on foot is a misdemeanor. I DID NOT know, trespassing was a ticketable offense. It seriously would have made NOT a lick difference. I seen a gun muzzle pointed at me mere seconds before realizing it was a cop. I know what all I saw and even now, I'd danm near shit myself to be in that situation again. 

  I bring that up because isn't that a broad instinct when the cops approach? "How TF did I get myself into this shit?" Next is how can you get this cop interaction done with quick easy and in a hurry.  It's important to know my rights but how can I get to a point where I can stay calm and not go through an unnecessary anxiety attack, because the cop will continue to follow procedures with or without my cooperation. I'm only going to jam myself worse trying to prove a point. Even writing this, I know I myself, can't stop it, my body will start shaking if a cop where to ask me to "step over here please". The question "Am I being arrested, on a mental level is deeper than just the words." Why am I being treated like I'm dangerous, why isn't this, a normal conversation. Why do their 2 witnesses outweigh my 2 witnesses. 

   According to the STOW LAW FIRMThe primary difference between detainment and arrest is one of degree. You might be detained when the police suspect you committed a crime. But to place a suspect under arrest, the police must have probable cause to believe you committed an illegal act. It is my opinion that when one is placed under "detainment" you are being held in place because you may have knowledge that could be used as evidence. That evidence is released or coerced through your tongue, so in other words, ask for an attorney if you are not sure what is going on. If you are being detained, ask them if you have broken any laws. If they can't give you a yes or no- lawyer up! That's my opinion, I've been in enough drama so I prefer to keep the situation quick and simple. If I'm not guilty I ain't talking, I'll let 100 % judicial system figure that out, If I where guilty, definitely NOT TALKING. If I was dumb enough to break the law, I'm probably not SMART enough to finesse the cops into letting me go. It would be time to let the professionals handle it! Always ask for a lawyer always keep your focus, because being surrounded by badges and questioned in a manner that makes you feel intimidated, might cause one to stumble even in memory. Being detained is not being arrested, because legally, being detained is used to define someone that cops "believe may have committed a crime or knows of a crime." Detained means your a person of interest.

  Did ya learn something, will this info keep you calm should an incident happen who knows, if you are in a  situation and feel the cops are there to rescue you GREAT! If you feel they are there to hassle you, just remain calm and keep you mouth shit and don't get emotional. Be sure to show support by rocking our merch! ROCK THE MERCH and that'll help spread the word!! Stay lifted, till next time!

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