The Germinated Truth: Breeder Steve

The Germinated Truth: Breeder Steve

For myself cannabis is so amazing due to so many factors. Colors, nug structure, color tones of the rosin, taste's, smells , texture the many ways to invest are all overwhelming! When it comes to the culture a few things will stand out, but the deeper we get, the more terms and signs you tend to look for. If you could make your own strain would you? Out the dozens who would say yes there's hard work involved and we got a hold of Breeder Steve just to see what it takes to not just create a strain but maintain the strain!

   Steve was quick to point out that , there is no such thing as a  "strain" of weed/ganja/cannabis. As the discussion of colorful traits takes place Breeder Steve suggests using parents with multi colors or whatever colors your looking for. By the way, this is a pheno type, which is the appearance where as geno is the genetic factors.

    The point in this blog is there's many things to consider when it comes to what makes cannabis special. You need to know the traits and what traits you are looking for in order to stabilize the strain! Speaking of strain, YES he says there's NO STRAINS of cannabis, there are only strains of viruses. 


Breeder Steve - "There are no strains of cannabis, there are only strains of viruses.  Cannabis accessions and cultivars only achieve the status of varieties once stabilized, which few do.  If you made seeds, those seeds are essentially your own originals as no one else has seed from the exact same parents. "

One should know that the love of breeding new variants of cannabis is worth investing in. You can lease the rights to your strains, you can apply for (PBR) aka Plant Breeders Rights. Then if you got something that is unnatural in your plant you may need to think about applying for a plant patent. If you are taking the time to develop stable strains, and invested all the money into the perfect grow setup, do NOT slack in the area of legalities and fine tuning your presentation of the new variant to the world!

  SO- how does one go about creating their own strain? Essentially the answer to that is that it's way easier to create a new strain, than it is to create a dependable seed with longevity. This means taking time and starting out with as many as you can plant and start selecting from there. The beginning is going to be about keeping the ones that live long and don't essentially die from a strong draft of wind after week 2. According to Steve you could start with line breeding. Back crossing is another way. If you know what you are doing, this can be achieved in as little as 3 generations. So it takes 3 generations of breeding the same plant to lock in a fixed characteristic and plant profile that you could depend on producing the same quality bud.

   Breeder Steve has partners in Thailand which recently alloud anyone living there to freely grow cannabis Steve has been networking and getting his seeds in gardens worldwide since 1994, that's almost 30 years. It is always a positive thing when one has been at it for such a time and has came so far, it is reassuring to know the hard work counts, it matters and it speaks for itself. Steve has been growing since the 80's and enjoys sharing knowledge and inspiring others to grow. 



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