Step Into The Booth : B Lee

Step Into The Booth : B Lee

   Music is a one of biggest tools, and means of communication that has a true effect on the listener. The beat can be one that creates a vibe but; throw a few vocals out of tune and distorted effects can take away from the lyrics. Lyrics, that is what drives each artist in their lane. Is the best and snappy chorus what caused an unforgettable vibe? Was it the entire project coming together- maybe the lyrics get a 2nd breath once a music video drops. Each artist is unique, so each would stand out for their individual strengths- verses their individual works in progress.
  Kentucky is no stranger to music and any high schooler knows the sound of a lunch table-pencil tapping-cypher. Radcliff has had its seasons of studio sessions and non stop mixtape summers, now here we are in 2022. Berran Lee is an artist who has truly made an impact and remained steady at the game. Wondering what has changed since (from the multiple outlets that exist now, the blow up of home studios and the advertisement availability these days), I take a minute to catch up with B Lee, what kind of projects is he about to embark on. 
   Music is our timeline. You have your top tier guys, not just for lyrics but the whole atmosphere. Highschool times, where one type of influence, and today is a different type of influence. From those around you to the ones you bring around you on a family level. So at a young age your surroundings will mold you regardless. Your opinions and thick skin as well as your unique ways are what create that uniqueness in oneself. Music will always be able to take us back, and help us through. The signs of the times are truly the generational hits which ultimately define that era!
   Repetition, performances and staying available is key, do not put a number on your goals. B Lee started as a sophomore. when he first started performing, it was a lot of last minute gigs. Coming from Meade county, doing things out in Vine Grove and meeting people who also were local and serious was a first. "Gucci bandanas was always flying it was wild" B Lee first entered the scene in mid 2000's and there where plenty of cliques and new artists popping up in Radcliff on a weekly basis. He wanted to record with so many but due to being new in town he had to double down in his word play. "I had nothing but words, that stay in rhythm, resting, and having that energy of proving everybody wrong".. 
         Writing was an instant gift and desire for B Lee. You take the people the crowd brings and he would feed off that energy and WIZ Khalifa was one that really showed B Lee what bringing the energy was all about. Jay Z was another who  B Lee picked his Stage moves from as far as delivering his ability to interact with the crowd. Evans was always aware that he needed to make this happen on his own. He wanted to prove he is an all around entertainer. 
   When you have the ability to correspond with different cultures, and the desire to impress people by being the best you anything is truly possible. Never being anything but himself, B Lee finds Mass City , this particular project even surprised the artist himself. The work ethic is what paid off and this was a learning lesson for him.
"I might not be the winner of every fight, but they are going to remember me." He had about 5 mixtapes he burnt on cds and passed around school. He then moved out to Hardin County and linked with DJ Murph. He pushed remixes and wanted to do something new. This is when he came up with Purple Hearted 2.
He engineered it himself and Dj Murph did his thing. the Cd's gave him enough exposure to pick up money off performances. Getting excused from school days to do out of state performances at this point. Even the teachers bought his mixtapes. He didn't drop vulgar language till sophomore year which was is "Sophomore the Mixtape'' 
Let's talk Logo:
It's 2010 a rainy day at the mom's crib: 3 hours of creating something simple but memorable, Calvin tells him he needs a simple logo, at the time he had a B Lee and an airplane flying. The Weeknd and Wiz drops "Remember You" and B Lee is working on this logo that he wants to come across as memorable, and the bill flipped up is to honor the big bro Young Sweat. Which is someone who pulled him to the side and got him in the studio. 
    Music is not supposed to be a fact checker, it is a mood. There is always an artist which could complement your mood. there's a go to artist for the adventure you choose to embark on. B Lee suggests that you love what you want to love when it comes to music, and becoming an artist. Take control of your visuals. The music industry is letting the gimmicky acts win. Radcliff needs to make music they want to make- and support each other because it is not about "appreciating that style," let's change the narrative, "are you marketable, can you act on stage, it is the entire package." Rap today versus the past years , is about new sounds, new genres, and expanding your horizon. There is no need to compare or compete, what is going to make one different from the rest.
   Politics is necessary when getting involved with becoming successful in something like music. So there are some things B Lee will never do, such as hop on a track with a devil worshiper. He also won't give time to those who aren't taking themselves seriously. That's why B Lee keeps a small circle. He treats each day and situation as a lesson. At times the close friends in music fall off over the smallest things. People get butt hurt off of "no free verses''. He finds it important to know your worth. 
    When it comes to support and love outside the house, Bread Boy Entertainment as a whole became that family. Cam, Calvin, Texx Damien Woodward, Sweet, and so many others on the team helped guide him and protected him. It was genuine love and respect. As far as B Lee and Bread Boy they are on separate roads but the love is forever. 
  When you put 3 years into building a portfolio, and being in the environment of shows after show, and learning your way through the rhythm of gigs and projects you develop thick skin, if that don't do it to you parenthood will. He now lives vicariously through his kid. But a short film or a new song, his kid is giving him inspiration on a daily. He took her to the studio a few weeks ago and he seen the glitter in her eyes, it told him in his heart, keep doing what we do. He will not stop or slow down. He loves the music so much he calls it his 1st love but his kid is his bigger love.
  He feels growing up and vibe'n. he was the youngest and the most sensitive,  but they could have all been comedians. He'd smash a  record and they'd take a smoke record and him and cam and the gang would prank each other. he was the recorder in the group.
 The future is calling and B Lee is ready. the meta verse is what he sees. The future is all about making what remember from last week, a better experience tomorrow! The future will be wild and with laughter. The past was filled with laughter, let's look back at the studio on West Lincoln Trail Bvd!
He caught Calvin in the cd room , fresh off work pressing up cds, B Lee enters the dark building thinking he is along but hears this nasally terrible tune. It's Calvin singing a female verse off and B Lee busts out on him and the goofiness is captured on camera! Family and love, memories make it all worth it!
   Business and trust are not the same. In B Lee's eyes, it ain't the same. Family and business don't mix, it is a hard lesson to learn. Specifically for Radcliff, trust is an essential part in growing. Money is what can spin the wheel. You may be able to drink a beer with one, but don't leave your wallet on the table. 25/8 is near and dear to B Lee, and his memories of the early days are all love 's greatness. He takes pride in it and Relentless is tatted on the chest because he never stops plotting. When he pops back out, the people come with questions like "why you ain't signed yet". 
  The future for this young man is bright. He is a very well rounded individual who has the confidence and the ability to stay at it. Music brings a side out of us that can help us through a rough patch as well as compliment a great vibe. Be sure to check out Berran Lee on Pandora, Spotify, and remember to support your neighbors.
    To all music lovers we have been working on a curated Pandora Station and BLee is one of the artist we have on there. We will keep you updated with more. Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy the music by B Lee!
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