If It Ain't Broke Don't Fix It- The politics and war on Cannabis- Been Broken

If It Ain't Broke Don't Fix It- The politics and war on Cannabis- Been Broken

Cannabis criminalization has failed to prevent its use and sale, while simultaneously creating a massive black market for it that funds organized crime and puts users in harm's way. Proponents of legalization argue that regulating and taxing cannabis like other legal products would generate revenue for governments, create jobs, and improve public safety by ensuring the product is of a consistent quality and potency. You must be honest, or at least be able to hide the truth well enough to conduct a false narrative. Why is cannabis illegal. Who was the mastermind behind reefer madness?

 It is well-documented that Harry Anslinger held prejudiced views towards certain groups of people, including African Americans and Mexicans, and used racist rhetoric to demonize cannabis as a means of advancing his prohibitionist agenda. He famously stated, "Reefer makes darkies think they're as good as white men" and "There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US, and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos, and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz, and swing result from marijuana use. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers, and any others." These statements, among others, illustrate the racial animus that was intertwined with the campaign against cannabis in the United States.

   In todays world you don't have to call people names, or redline a community. Just up the taxes and keep the pour pour. They do this today via taxation and "business costs". What would be the reason to have these ridiculous gate keeper price tags that come along with cannabis business?

The costs of conducting a cannabis business have high entry fees because of several factors, including:

  1. High regulatory compliance costs: Cannabis businesses are heavily regulated, and complying with the regulations can be expensive. The regulations cover a range of issues, including security, record-keeping, packaging, labeling, and testing, among others.

  2. Limited access to banking and financial services: Cannabis is still illegal at the federal level in the United States, which makes it difficult for cannabis businesses to access banking and financial services. Many banks are reluctant to work with cannabis businesses because of the legal uncertainty, and this can make it difficult for these businesses to secure loans or obtain other financial services.

  3. High taxes: Cannabis businesses are subject to high taxes, both at the state and federal level. These taxes can significantly impact a business's profitability and make it difficult to compete with businesses in other industries.

  4. Real estate costs: Finding a suitable location for a cannabis business can be challenging because of zoning laws and other restrictions. Additionally, real estate prices in areas where cannabis is legal can be higher because of the limited supply of suitable locations.

  5. Security costs: Cannabis businesses are required to have robust security measures in place to prevent theft and other criminal activity. These security measures can be expensive and include surveillance systems, security personnel, and other measures.

All of these factors contribute to the high entry fees associated with starting a cannabis business. You see that pretty term up there "regulatory compliance cost" ;lets called that the price to keep the average weedman on the customer's side of checkout!

      What is a regulatory compliance cost and who or what entity determined this cost? 

A regulatory compliance cost is the cost incurred by businesses to comply with laws, regulations, and standards set by government agencies or industry organizations. These costs may include fees for permits and licenses, costs associated with obtaining and maintaining compliance, and expenses related to reporting, monitoring, and auditing activities.

The regulatory compliance cost for a specific business can vary depending on the size and complexity of the business, the industry it operates in, and the specific regulations and standards that apply. Some industries, such as the cannabis industry, may have higher regulatory compliance costs due to the nature of the product and the need to comply with strict regulations at the federal, state, and local levels.

The determination of regulatory compliance costs is often done by the government agency or industry organization responsible for enforcing the regulations and standards. They may conduct assessments, audits, or inspections to determine the costs of compliance for a specific business or industry. In some cases, businesses may also consult with experts or industry associations to help determine their regulatory compliance costs.

   Kentucky will go medical January 1st 2025. How this either creates a "TRUE Commonwealth" or becomes a taxational Burden to the citizens is up to legislation. I hope you ponder the true costs of staying quiet versus making decision on fact and in pursuit of true happiness. I hope you stand up and fight for your right to smoke, grow, and most importantly develop a residual income and create a path to worry less about bills and more about what to do with the spare time while the garden grows! Show support for Stewart's Passion By Rocking the Merch, place your order today!!  Just check out the CLOSET and select your season!!


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