Above is a evidence picture from a grow op bust in Kentucky.
Over 460,000 cannabis plants were eradicated in Kentucky in 2000, ranking it third biggest producer of cannabis in the USA, behind California and Hawaii. Fast forward to 2022 and according to the DEA Kentucky produces more cannabis than any other state in the country. To be exact it's
9,300 plants per 100,000 people. Kentucky doesn't just produce the MOST CANNABIS in the country, it represents the #1 state for cannabis eradication. As Kentucky has funneled dollar after dollar on efforts to stopping cannabis operations, the talks of today from the Governor seems as though Kentucky may turn a new leaf. All for all it would seem 98% of all the research I could find, Kentucky is rich in its earth and natural grow media. Over 3 million pounds of cannabis is grown right in the Bluegrass State annually! It hits the black market and stretches from coast to coast. It is illegal to cultivate marijuana plants, in Kentucky. This includes planting, cultivating, or harvesting marijuana with the intent to sell or transfer it. A person who possesses five or more plants is presumed to be cultivating with the intent to sell. Penalties vary according to the violation. If you where to grow four or fewer plants your
first offense is a class A misdemeanor punishable with a fine of up to $500, up to 12 months in jail, or both. Second and subsequent offenses are
class D Felonies, punishable with a fine of between $1,000 and $10,000, between one and five years in prison, or both.

Click Text Below for more Info-
(Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§ 218A.1423, 532.020, 532.090, 534.030, 534.040 (2019).)
When it comes to Recreational Use- it's no secret the people of Kentucky are in favor of it. It is a well known fact that the votes are in Cannabis favor for both medical and adult use, however lobbyists and people that are just stuck in old ways, are still in power & refuse to see a greener future. It's almost a year since HIGH TIMES mentioned how KY was getting closer to accepting Rec Use Cannabis!!
Perhaps we need a SIP Rally!! more on that later! Let's smoke in peace and come together so we can figure out a good plan on what legalization can look like in Kentucky! Let's discuss licensing fees as well as non intrusive rec home grows etc. The ability for the average person to get their flower on the shelves can happen without painstaking fees and ridiculous red tape that takes the joy right out of it!
Whether we are #1 or #3 when it comes to producing cannabis, that debate is nothing to the fact everyday someone is rotting away in Kentucky Prisons because of a few grams, maybe a few pounds. It's just weed!!! Let's not be the last state to wake up and smell the Cola's!
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