The Rawdiculousness Of It All- Where Do You Stand with The Rawtergate Scandal

The Rawdiculousness Of It All- Where Do You Stand with The Rawtergate Scandal

This article is made to document the situation revolving Raw Papers, smokers, and the online reactions to Raw Paper. As a prior inmate I won't say that Raw is a liar. I know first hand that information presented to the public is never in a defendants best interest. This blog is not to state that Raw purposefully or even UN-knowingly deceived the people. I will say though, if not jack squat was made in Spain, and you where not using windmills.....WTF!

  The chatter is as groovy as a throwback smoothie , growmies and smokers have you heard? RAW was court ordered to basically Re-Brand. There's so many questions we have and so many opinions floating. I wanted to wait & see where this all goes and so far it's a bit weird. There's a clip of Berner mentioning Raw standing in the way of creativity, I'm summing up what he said about Raw, go check out the video here! Shout out to Luc documenting this situation. There are many like Pigeons 420 who have covered this particular situation, however according to LMC, Raw mentioned potential legal actions against his videos. Luc did put out on all his social sites that RAW was coming with a public statement regarding the Court's Demands and they sure as hell did with in the time he gave us.


    So what exactly was the issue? There's a chain of events which popped off and in the midst, the public began to hear whispers, rumors, perhaps facts; What is the Raw Foundation? Did they lie about providing shelter or food?  Out of all the crazy new CANNOT'S this widely seen lists (pictured below) one has to ask why? Why would one lie about all this, to what did it benefit?

Please read these documents and then let's wrap this up like a goodnight blunt!

As the days turned into a week, and time passed, people where waiting for some response. At first RAW's Instagram was carrying on as of there weren't other brands smokers could become loyal too, that RAW could slip and land face first in doo doo- and still come in the house and hug us, no, go clean up, and don't pretend you don't stink!


   Instagram and Twitter had a few hours of #RawPapers Trending but it was not particularly a proud moment in the #cannabisbusiness . It would be over 2 weeks before we would hear anything directly addressing the accusations.The first thing Raw did while still appearing to merely graze the incident, was that they made a video with RAW founder Kessleman making it clear that organically grown material will contain small amounts of natural metals. It would be over 2 weeks before we would here anything directly addressing the accusations.Then came this post on Instagram from THIS RAW ACCOUNT-



jury awarded RAW $979,620 for a competitor's willful infringement of RAW trade dress and $40,000 statutory damages- this is a true fight because RAW not only has to quit calling companies "Rawnabies" but they also did get 2 Mill rewarded. Is this all legal swindles and a just kinks due to paperwork filing? Raw answered what they do with the donations they receive they simple dump it into other charity's. Does this mean anyone donating to RAW is merely donating to their designated tax right offs? Just asking, RAW has been given a extensive list of cannot's in this lawsuit, where there is smoke, there is fire baby!! There's a reason and with all the puiblic information that is out, I agree with LMC!




    Brand loyalty is still a thing, it would seem that RAW has not lost too much traction with all this. Check out RAW's official TWITTER . Thank you to all the readers, supporters and hope you enjoyed the read. Comment below if you feel any type of way about the RAW Lawsuit. Did you drop them or did you find understanding? Is it even that big of a deal to you? Remember that litigations often complicate the most simple shit, it seems they more or less collected money and redirected it towards different organization in need. Either way there is still plenty of unexplained restrictions and new found truths. Follow Stewart's Passion on Twitter to keep up with this situation be sure to read for yourselves before forming any financially shifting decisions. 

      I use Raw tips on occasion, rolling with Zig Zag Pinks and Zag Hemp wraps for the most part. I will not turn a RAW cone down in a sesh, but as far as honesty, and just good business practice, RAW could be viewed as questionable as hell. That's what happens though, all things comes to light eventually. Thanks for reading ROCK THE MERCH and CREATE YOUR ACCOUNT to show some support!! Stay lifted,  Sincerely Tony Stewart Jr.



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