Have A Meaningful Morning
The generations ahead of us, they depend on us whether they chose too or not. We depended on the generations before us. Living in today's world is rough, just as some may have said the same 400 years ago. Perspective is a key player in how we go throughout life. People that allow their emotions to dictate their weekend plans are at the mercy of the wind. From the moment we wake up, we make decisions. How fast we walk, which shirt we put on, socks, drinks, pet obligations, packing backpacks, it's all some kind of weird non unique routine we've thrown together at the very least from primal instinct to fee adequate for the day whatever it may bring. It does the mind good to have balance - a sense of direction. We do not know the darker secrets of our neighbors, respect brings peace to all around. Toke your tokes and eat your munchies! Enjoy the time you do have. The reason for todays blog is to simply remind ourselves, each day is a reaction to yesterday, let's make the most of tomorrow by making the most out of today!! Now puff away and stay lifted, head high and chest out!!