182 Tons of Cannabis- The Godfather of Grass- John Robert Boone

182 Tons of Cannabis- The Godfather of Grass- John Robert Boone

    In 2008 Kentucky made a bust that resulted in the arrest of the Godfather of Grass. Marion County was just the beginning and John Robert Boone, showed so much love and has such a kind spirit, NOBODY gave up his location when he went on the run! When he was found and extradited from Canada it was a 57 month sentence and as of today it is believed Boone is residing in a half way house in Louisville. He plead guilty to over 1,000 weed plants in Springfield Kentucky, the smuggling of weed ranged across more than 4 states. 


John Robert Boone, also known as "The Godfather of Grass," was a legendary figure in the world of illegal marijuana cultivation in the United States. Born on December 14, 1943, in Muhlenberg County, Kentucky, Boone grew up in a rural area where he developed an affinity for the land and an early interest in farming. However, his life took a dramatic turn when he became involved in marijuana cultivation and distribution during the 1960s and 1970s.

Boone's expertise in growing high-quality cannabis earned him the nickname "The Godfather of Grass" and garnered him significant notoriety within the counterculture and underground circles. He was particularly famous for cultivating potent strains of marijuana in hidden fields, often located deep within the forests of Kentucky and surrounding states. His success in evading law enforcement for decades earned him a reputation as one of the most elusive and skilled marijuana growers in the country.

Despite several encounters with law enforcement over the years, Boone managed to evade capture and continued his illegal activities, gaining a cult-like following in the process. He became a symbol of resistance against the government's war on drugs, which intensified during the 1980s and 1990s.

However, Boone's luck eventually ran out. In 2008, after decades on the run, he was apprehended by the authorities in Canada and extradited back to the United States. He faced multiple charges related to his extensive marijuana cultivation and distribution operations. 


    In 2009, John Robert Boone pleaded guilty to a federal charge of conspiring to grow and distribute marijuana. He received a reduced sentence, partly due to his age and declining health. Boone was sentenced to 57 months in federal prison and fined a substantial amount of money.

While in prison, Boone's health worsened, and he faced several medical issues. In 2016, he was granted early release on medical grounds. Despite his release, Boone's notoriety persisted, and his story continued to captivate the public and media.         The life of John Robert Boone, "The Godfather of Grass," is a tale of a man deeply connected to the land and driven by a conviction that marijuana cultivation was his way of pushing back against what he saw as an unjust system. While many viewed him as a folk hero, others saw him as a symbol of lawlessness and the consequences of the ongoing drug war in the United States.  Click here to view the PDF Recs.

   The Godfather of Grass was the Boss, the leader, of The Cornbread Mafia, a Kentucky based group of ambitious farmers. 

The origins of the Cornbread Mafia can be traced back to the 1960s when marijuana cultivation became increasingly prevalent in rural areas of Kentucky. As law enforcement cracked down on illegal marijuana growers, some farmers in Kentucky saw the lucrative potential of growing cannabis. The group's name allegedly comes from a favorite dish shared by the members: cornbread.

The Cornbread Mafia was known for cultivating massive quantities of marijuana in hidden fields throughout Kentucky and other states in the Midwest and South. They were able to produce high-quality marijuana and distribute it across the country, earning substantial profits in the process.

The organization was highly organized, secretive, and tightly-knit, making it challenging for law enforcement to infiltrate or dismantle the operation. Moreover, the group operated in rural areas where the terrain provided natural cover, adding to the difficulty of detecting their marijuana fields.

By the early 1980s, the Cornbread Mafia had become one of the largest marijuana-growing operations in the United States, estimated to have cultivated thousands of acres of marijuana plants. Their activities caught the attention of law enforcement agencies at the local, state, and federal levels.

In 1989, the federal authorities launched a major investigation known as "Operation Cornbread," which aimed to dismantle the criminal organization. Over 70 individuals associated with the Cornbread Mafia were arrested and charged with various offenses related to marijuana cultivation and distribution.

The arrests resulted in lengthy prison sentences for many of the members involved in the organization. While the operation dealt a significant blow to the Cornbread Mafia, it is believed that remnants of the group continued their activities, albeit on a smaller scale, after the arrests.

Kentucky possesses the ideal soil for cultivating top-quality sun-grown cannabis. The legendary Godfather of Grass himself had multiple hidden spots that yielded the finest buds, delighting citizens from Marion County, Kentucky, to distant states like Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas, and more. We are currently working on a proposal to allow medical patients in Kentucky to grow up to 7 plants for personal medical use. Stay tuned for updates on our progress. Thank you for exploring this blog dedicated to the fascinating story of the Godfather of Grass. For more information, visit our website at stewartspassion.com, where you can shop and sport our merchandise. Wishing you a blessed day!


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