When I was a young lad, I fucked up and got caught with pills. In the state of KY I ended up in the system of KAP. This stands for the Kentucky Alternative Program - no
. In short it started when I was 16.5 and ended when I was 18. I was not taking a chance to piss dirty so I simply did the program and when the neighbors down the street heard my probation was coming to an end they assumed I was so Ready to smoke weed again. I broke the news and let them know, "I've never smoked weed-" they where baffled. The last piss test came with a sense of hype, it was planned I'd get high for the first time in my life. I bought some weed and watched my friend's friend roll up a few blunts and we blazed. I remember telling the crew that weed was not working on me. As soon as I made my way downstairs, I yelled out, "Nevermind, it's hitting me!" It was set in stone that night. I was high as fuck on cannabis. I was so amazed at how I felt. I wasn't puking, hallucinating, or anything like they had said in the D.A.R.E class.

Fast forward to Florida summer of 2013. I'm chilling under a carport as the home owners pull into the driveway trunk open. There's these bushes hanging out the trunk- wait, as the car backs on it's very evident, this is a weed plant. This was my 1st time ever seeing weed as a plant, branches, leaves, no buds. Apparently it had been growing near a mud hole they were having fun in. Once they brought the plants in the house I checked the plant out head to toe, inspecting the plant like it was a female body I was about to enjoy for the first time. The plant died within a week but there were bud sites so I had picked the tree the best I could and loaded it in a bowl smoking fresh green weed and it tasted horrible.
This wasn't my first pondering growing weed, just my first time seeing it in full plant form. I quickly found a site that sold feminized seeds. Me and the home owner where on a mission but to cut a longer story short nothing came of the seeds we bought online. The seed of thought took root quicker than the seed of weed in dirt.
I always have thought, why but a pound if I can grow it. Though cannabis & I have not yet had any children I learned to appreciate those that risk their freedom to slide me beautiful sticky buds. I encourage the readers to TIP THE WEED MAN! I only took t breaks when I got arrested & did a bit of jail time. Other than that- I'd smoke most blunts and bowls that have come my way.
When I moved my fiancé who is now my beautiful wife in with me in 2017 I truly began smoking everyday.
It is accurate to say from the summer of 2017 to August 1st of 2023 me and the wife have smoked between 3-6 blunts a day, every single day. Now their may be between 7-10 days out of those years we didn't smoke due to lack of finances but that's it, we truly smoke our asses off. We smoke on average 7-10 grams a day.
I decided this year to take a tolerance break. I would say that what initially planted the seed to do a T Break was a combination of my family and my personal thoughts. When my brothers asked me if it was possible for me to NOT SMOKE, I'd say yes. I knew I could stop and wouldn't go crazy, because I've done enough county time to reflect on how my body reacted. I knew I didn't go through any memorable withdrawals even when I was in CCA in Florida.I truly believe too though - knowing I was in jail helped not care about cigarettes or blunts. It was unobtainable in my eyes so therefore it wasn't an option. I believe options play a role in what you want for. Still though, I hadn't actually cold turkey stopped smoking weed, I'd simply use these memories as evidence that I could quit if I wanted to. I decided d mid July Id stopped smoking weed August 1st and even got some co workers to join me.
As I stepped in the homies car August 1st I pulled out some HHC vapes and some regular THC vapes and they reminded me, we don't smoke today. I should mention that we had all agreed to no weed for 10 days. We all admitted on the 1st of August we had started the morning toking so the 10 Day fast was pushed forward a day.
I'm currently on Day 9. Our 10 day No smoke T Break ends Friday Night, August 11th 2023. Here is how it went. We started as 3 and we down to two. The 1st three days where actually the easiest. Day 4 I woke up in pain because of lack of sleep, I've had the crazy ass dreams, I'm constantly sweating, stressing and just jittery. By day 5 irritability has become my constant state of being. Day 7 I stayed home and focused purely on blogs and funny videos on Instagram. I was doing my best to stay away from thinking of weed.
Keep in mind, the wife is smoking daily, she has not joined my 10 Day journey but she made the 10 Day Journey real and rewarding. This has become a self control exercise. 10 Days of denying myself to give in to mental blocks, wants and all. Sweaty hands, anxiety at an all time high and a lack of sleep. Does this all come from a lack of cannabis or does the milligrams of nicotine in our blunts add to it. The withdrawals of nicotine could very well create an exaggerated effect from cold turkey quitting cannabis.
As I now have just 1.5 days left , it was 2 days ago 1 out of the 3 co workers dropped out the T Break. We have today and tomorrow and then Saturday we get blitzed. I wanted to share what this 10 Day Tolerance Break has been to me.
11:42 PM- August 11th
As the last few minutes come to an end, I have decided to strike the match at 12:01 Am.
It has been steady waking up sweating, trouble falling asleep and anxiety through the roof in spurts. I can honestly say the constant sweating and anxiety was a lot less when I smoked on a daily basis. I can say for sure now that I can stop when I want. I can say for sure that irritability never went away in 10 days, there were simply, ok moments, and moments where I was completely real with myself and calmed myself down because I knew whatever was ticking me off, was not that big of a deal. For anyone with the capability of judgement, fixated on the idea that one simply decides to rely on something as a crutch, I can say fair argument, If I were to say, I NEED WEED to be a well behaved person, you would be correct in saying That isn't necessarily true. However, I will say, I choose to use cannabis to mitigate my internal stresses and my anxiety that causes me to shake, chat my teeth and become restless, if you feel this makes me weak and you yourself take meds for anxiety, can you go cold turkey off your meds, and if so, are your side effects healthier than mine? I'll end on this note. Cannabis for me helps me sleep and eat, I rarely relied on cannabis to do any significant stress relief, I will say PSILOCYBIN completely eradicated my anxiety for about 3 days the 1st time i ate a chocolate bar. I would love to micro dose this on a weekly, not daily basis because of my personal experiences. Each person is different and our pasts play a role in the decisions we make in the future. I'm sure that when I light this blunt within minutes I'll feel good and ready to sleep, and that was another reason I decided to stop smoking for 10 days. I needed to reset the cannabinoids in my body so that I can actually enjoy weed again.
Thank you for reading this blog and to those who deal with anxiety, who feel that they have become a bundle of confusion, misunderstanding, and pain, it will be ok. Not because things will necessarily get better in the current state of things, but because if you are reading this then there's life in you, take a chance and smoke a blunt or do some research on natural remedies like mushrooms. I'd choose to heal my mind with prayer, God, and a smoke- instead of throwing back shots and jamming to restless music. In today's age, you need to be in tune with yourself. It is never ok to be under an influence and operate a vehicle. Do not cause more stress catching a case, instead, do your research and decide what is worth it. Rock some Stewart's Passion Merch, or grab something from our head shop, stay blessed, stay lifted & Till next time!