Now that cannabis is becoming more of an acceptable pass time, recreational use is not just a new market to examine but it's becoming a common conversation among work friends and community leaders. Here is my opinion; we are at a small yet, unfortunately not too impacting, turning point in our nation. Reefer madness was false propaganda that left a message that if white men and women where to take a few puffs of, what would be currently today-dirt weed, these woman would fall victim to their men who somehow turned from white to black babbling monsters. The "War on Drugs" was a way to split the nation politically, once they do that- common sense takes a back seat. They tell the masses what a "white picket fence community of happiness" looks like or should look like, Meanwhile they show you how drugs destroy a community- WHICH NOBODY WILL ARGUE! They call cannabis a drug. Then they tie these symptoms of a dwindling community to cannabis. Tie cannabis to the group you want out and BAM BABY- good o'l fashion Jim Crow disguised as a pre-historic D.A.R.E campaign. Can't say BE GONE NEGRO- So it became Stay away from the drug dealers and criminals. The "fair-skinned" smokers where no longer deemed human and given the name HIPPIES!! DUN DUN DUNNN!!!!
The War On Drugs has focused heavy on the potential violence they are protecting our citizens from, but how many similar events can you think of when you hear the name Breonna Taylor? Black and brown families, families of too low of an income to fight the police, & families of circumstantial profiling; how often has the so called War On Drugs negatively impacted the community's by the very law enforcement agencies claiming to protect them? Had it not been for George Floyd and the surrounding uprisings, Breonna could have well been overlooked. We can call it racist we can call it unfortunate events we can sugar coat it all day, but when does the fixing begin? We have to stop asking "why WAS cannabis made illegal?" & start asking "why IS cannabis illegal?" Are people crashing cars high and disoriented on cannabis? Are dentists eating edibles at night to go to sleep, and then disfiguring their patients the next day at work? Does cannabis pose a climate threat, is it causing shortage of corn or effecting everyday civilization negatively if it where to be unregulated or should we say, if it where as accessible as a blade of grass?
Recently there was an attempt to create a form of marijuanna banking. This was getting added quit randomly to a "Defense Bill", again politics fucking up a good thing by creating complications. That's so classic in our American Society, I love our country but I know bullshit when I see it, America is so good at this - by this - I mean- that if the rich see something may elevate the common man, they distract the common man by making it political. The famous "let them eat cake" scenario. here's ya boy Mitch McConnell - "We’re talking about a grab bag of miscellaneous pet priorities, like making our financial system more sympathetic to illegal drugs or permitting reform in name only that’s already failed to pass the Senate earlier this year-" The banking plan isn't happening. If you build something on a foundation of lies, secrets, and misrepresentation, the building will collapse. This is instruction I was taught by my father. If you build something on truth it will stand. The Cannabis Banking & Security Act is what they need. Do not hide it amongst a "Defense Bill." Kentucky should create a cannabis system that supersedes the rest of the country's.
It is a constant tit for tat here in Kentucky. Governor Beshear creates an Executive Order and The Attorney General is unimpressed to say the least. He could use a blunt and chill, Andrew is Mitch's buddy. Don't take my word for it, honestly, I'm just not sure what he is so flabbergasted over recreational use for. Let it happen, relax Daniel. It would appear Daniel has a firm grip on the fields of Kentucky NOT growing Delta 9 feminised cannabis! Isn't the senate also supposed to represent Kentucky. Nit even trying to get political, just knowing the majority voted yes pass cannabis medically and it went nowhere is why people like myself don't trust the bureaucracy of the democracy!!
If you want to join the rally at the capital January 3rd follow us on twitter for updates on that !! FOLLOW US HERE << Thank you for reading our blog today, if you have anything you'd like to see me write about simply leave a comment below! SIGN UP and become a SP Member. Support the blog & ROCK THE MERCH! Yup I dropped a rally date like that & honestly you can send your inquiry's to KYNORML for more info on that. Isn't is kind of ass backwards...? We can't just show up and cast our votes if we want cannabis yes or no- but even when the reps know what the people want they can ignore, and still keep their jobs. How do we work together to see a KY Greener Future?