The legal system has always been so slow to do the right thing when it is their turn to provide the community with results. However if the tables are turned you'd better be on time and well aware of the rules. Here we are in October of 2022 & Kentucky remains one of 10 states left that do not support incorporating medical, rec, or both for a legal cannabis market. Keep in mind 90% of Bluegrass Adults prefer some sort of cannabis market. We are talking about DELTA 9 THC from the psychoactive plant! Why are the current gatekeepers cok-blocking the pothead dream, the ability to smoke, grow, shop, and compete with cannabis!! It is all rooted in reefer madness/ racially motivated/ un-educated stiffs who do not know any better. Vote out the asswholes and bring in the crop baby! Andy Beshear set up the Kentucky Medical Cannabis Advisory Team and they have traveled the state. The site also allowed you to submit your opinions and desires when it comes to legalizing cannabis in Kentucky & the received 3,539 responses! Comments totaled with a 96.8 APPROVAL RATING! If you live in Kentucky please check out this link and look at the Advisory Team! It is time to network, and get ahold of the County Governments! How is it the people have spoken and our Top Reps are ignoring us!
We have to come together and that means telling the truth. We live in Kentucky, home of the bourbon! Let's cut the bull about caring about "safety" and that cannabis is medicine /it should be handled by professionals. The culture has been disrespected, lied about, yet stole from at the same time. Cat's out the bag, thanks to states like Colorado & California. The politicians know this so they change their lies and come up with silly reasons about the "process". Legalize, don't legalize it, your daughters & sons already sell smoke and love it! It's already here!
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