Kentucky's Cannabis Executive Order

Kentucky's Cannabis Executive Order

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With 17 experts teaming up for what's called "Team Kentucky Medical Cannabis Advisory Committee", you would hope they'd figure out it's a matter of time before it'll be called "Team Kentucky Medical & Recreational Cannabis Advisory Team". Till that miraculous day, here is what is on the menu for a greener Kentucky!

This PDF is a document stating Beshear has created a team devoted to getting the legalization of medical cannabis underway. The team is comprised of people from many backgrounds and they'll be traveling the commonwealth to hear what we want and what your neighbors want to see, when it comes to cannabis in the state of Kentucky. We wrote Beshear and there must have been other voices saying the same thing, that medical patients should be able to grow their own medicine, and it appears in this document Beshear has included that, so we see this as a victory. Keep in mind, it is still very illegal in Kentucky to poses delta 9 thc which, for the sake of the conversation, what we will refer to as "mainstream weed".

   Medical Cannabis is an approach for dealing with the pain and side effects from illnesses. Cannabis is not seen as a cure for the diseases. The PDF is written in such that you can see the reason for the team, why this team is formed, why Delta 9 and CBD are being researched and ultimately it show's Beshear's roadmap for taking Kentucky out of the Dark Ages where we villainized Cannabis, and entering into the legalization from a mature & scientific approach. The current members of this team will be serving for 2 years.

  Be sure to leave your reasons for why you support or oppose Medical Cannabis In Kentucky!! Here is the link.

To see when and where they will be having these open discussions with the public click here

Want to get pre Approved for a Medical Card In Kentucky?: (833) 781-6360

Click HERE for more details about this supposed "Medical Card For Kentucky"

We are NOT SAYING This a legit medical Card Sign Up!





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