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Cannabis has been apart of our society since the beginning of time. Whether we like it or not it has been here in the bluegrass as early as the 1930's when the Louisville Times reported it's earliest known dealings of cannabis to be sold as joints. Back then these joints where known as bujees or muggles. They where sold on 3rd & Jefferson for 35 cents a bujee (marijuana cigarette).
In 2014 Steve Beshear signed a law allowing CBD to thrive in the Bluegrass, however that's as far as we have gotten. What will it take for Kentucky to wake up and realize that, the smear campaigns declaring it a risk to legalize Cannabis not just medically but recreationally- it's all rooted in holding the middle class back from developing wealth. Remember where you read this- anything you can think of when it comes to cannabis and what could be done with it, will happen; However NOT- TILL THE RICH GUY rigs the requirements. That's where they kick the little men in the heels. The paperwork, the requirements, and the automatic disqualifiers get them every time. When you have money to blow, tens of thousands of dollars, won't hurt the pockets, but someone who saved $7,000 in 3 years, which may take some cutbacks on family trips or changing a routine, that's a lot. $1,000 to simply apply and be denied- it's depressing & in no way does it empower the commonwealth, to bury future business owners in fees. It's aggressive, it's the opposite of the words "common wealth".
So what's the situation looking like today? As of now Andy Beshear has said he plans to explore routes that could lead to medical cannabis this summer. Nothing is written in stone yet. It didn't pass both parties in the session and the governor has asked all the commonwealth to email
if you have any ideas, thoughts, or tweeks to the bill you wanted to be heard! We did! The main point we stressed was to not allow out of state business owners to plant their businesses here. To give the majority of cannabis businesses to KENTUCKY RESIDENTS! We stressed that the permit & application fees should be obtainable and by obtainable we mean it should NOT be more that 15X more than our states MINIMUM WAGE for any cannabis related fees when it comes to business opportunities. Our minimum wage in Kentucky by the way is still $7.25
All we want to do is smoke in peace! A state that smokes together, grows together!
Enjoy the week and remember: Cannabis is already here. The syrups, the pre rolls, the flower, carts, the growing, it's already here in Kentucky. Some power the wallets of the baby daddy's and local entrepreneurs, some take the pain away from grandma, and stop the children from biting their tongues in half during their 30th seizure of the day. The black market... Shouldn't be that grey!
Thanks for reading.
Written By : Tony Alton Stewart Jr, 5-13-2022